Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Equipping a Professional Photography Studio

This article is all about setting a professional photography studio. Here are the steps:

1.    A good room is the pre requisite for a good studio. And it's even better, if the room is bare and white and the floor is concrete, painted with industrial grade white paint. Carpets, floor padding, or rugs should be avoided as much of the equipment is electrical and can cause a fire hazard.

2.    Lightening is the critical part of photography. Utmost care should be taken while setting the light sources and no outside sources should be allowed to creep in. Even small cracks under the door can ruin certain types of shots.

3.    Usually, three umbrellas are enough for any size studio. They are used to provide a constant light source to create the lightening temperature for the shoots. They are each mounted on a tripod and can be easily swiveled and moved around the studio. The studio should have a minimum of three umbrella strobe lights.

4.    Platforms are an important part of any studio. They are used for standing, sitting, leaning, or for placing things on. A studio can have as many platforms as it wants. Flat wooden crates with no seams or edges work best, and should be spray-painted black.

5.    Solid, sturdy trusses are the best for handling the lights. These are metal frames which can be used to adjust the lights.   These are metal frames which can be used to hang lights from, hang backdrops. They can completely change the look of a studio. The size and number depends on the size of the studio.

6.    A ladder is also an important necessity and they can come very handy in a studio. They can be used to adjust the lights. In fact, a ladder permanently stationed at each lightening tripod is much more comfortable not only for the adjuster but also for the clients, models, hair stylists, make-up artists, wardrobe specialists, and other staff who are paying for their time by the hour.

7.    The White Balance Card (WBC) is used to adjust the camera's settings to the lightening, as well as adjust proper focus settings. It has several shades of white as well as a black and white checker pattern to adjust the settings. The color palette can be used in conjunction with the light meter to create the desired colored lightening in the studio.

Melbourne Photography Studio provides you with all these facilities and much more to get you the best results. In fact, you can set up your own Photography Studio  Melbourne

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