Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Tips for Great Product Photography

Product photography is a craft in which the artistic thought speaks louder than the capacities. And a product photographer's work is to go out of the box and create masterpieces that speak out about each and every detail of the object in concern. He should always experiment with new ideas and use different angles, while paying attention to the minute details in the closeups.

The product photography's sole purpose is to capture all the best features of the product at all costs without risking the quality. Some of the techniques to get great product photographs are:

1.      Always create the photographs with natural settings, so that they don't appear to be fake. Use shadow reducers and filters only if they are required.
2.      Always take care of the brighter as well as the dark sides to get the perfect balance in the picture.
3.      Try to take the photos in natural light but make sure that there is lot's of light. Shooting the photos during the day light always gives the best results. Otherwise, use a light box.
4.      Using a white background always gives the best results as it creates a focus on the object itself. Try to make an infinity curve as it enables the photographers to shoot the products against an endless white background.
5.      Never use a camera flash unless you have an indirect source of light. Because a camera flash will brighten only the front and cast everything else in the shadows, which doesn't give a good picture.
6.      Try to use an external flash. It points either upwards or to the side, thus lightening the object indirectly. This gives a more accurate representation of the product.
7.      Try to use unusual angles and unique point of views as you never know which angle will end up revealing the best shots.
8.      Try to use a natural environment as it will help to connect people with the product in the real life. Also, try to use props.
9.      Let people see for themselves the product in various colors available.
10.   Get the photos edited for different sizes and get the touch ups done accordingly. Just upload your pictures to any photo editing software and get to the editing.

Melbourne Product Photography uses the latest techniques that not only enhance the Product photography experience greatly but can also be used for Event Photography.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Advantages of photographs

Photographs are an important part of our life, not only in one way but many ways. Well, to begin with they are a proof that something actually happened. Just take the example of the first man landing on the moon. If there were no photographs to confirm, we and our coming generations might have even doubted the fact!

Ok, proofs apart. They help to keep the memories alive. We can look at a photograph and remember that moment and even relive it for a while. They might even show us something we ourselves cannot see. They show us things happening all over the world, even though we may not have the means to reach those places in reality. They are the best means of communication.

Photographs are the best means to tell a story. Sometimes, they are even better at communicating a story than the written word. For example a very emotional scene of a family that has just been reunited after a traumatic event may connect with a reader more than if the scene was only written.

Besides these, the photographs play an important role in magazines, newspapers, articles etc. Photographs catch the attention of the readers like nothing else. If an image is included in a media release, article in a magazine, or blog it will grab the reader's attention better than a block of text. This may lead to more people reading the article that accompanies the image. Getting Photography in Melbourne can help to develop such photos which can help to increase the number of readers.
Not only this, photos important for websites as well. People often skim through website articles without stopping to read the full article. A picture is a great way to convey your message quickly to an audience without them reading through a lot of text. The best way to get such great photographs is by hiring professionals like the Melbourne Photographers.

Besides, photos can be easily shared by the other person, which means the story will be seen by a larger audience. Photos can be linked back to an article that we want to target audience to read.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Playing with Portrait Photographs

If we have a look at our history, portraits have always been attached to the rich and the powerful. They used to commission artists to portray them using paintings in all their glory. However today, portraits have become a common thing for every class of people. In fact, portraits paintings are being made using other media like photography, video, digital media etc. as well.

So, what exactly is a portrait photograph? A portrait photograph is a meaningful photograph. It can be defined as a flattering representation of an individual. It shows all the good things about a person. The whole point of a portrait photograph is to capture the expression and a bit of the character of the person. The face is usually the focus of the portrait, though the whole body may also be included. They are usually captured and composed in a studio by a photographer using the required lightening effects.

Eyes play an important role in a portrait. Any human emotion like anger, love, curiosity, fear, hope etc. is expressed only through the eyes. They may remain widely open, half-open or even closed, but it’s all in the eyes. If a portrait photograph has to be a successful one then the photographer must play with the eyes. The placement of the eyes in the portrait can make or distort a portrait completely. If the eyes are placed in the center of the portrait and they are wide open, they can have a powerful effect on the viewer. Such types of eyes involve the viewer with the subject of the portrait by invoking their emotions.

To be a good portrait photographer, the photographer should be interested in his subjects. He can’t capture a good portrait if he doesn’t care about his subjects. He should get his subject to experiment with different moods and emotions in the image and try to play with extreme emotions. Also, if the portrait is going to have a background, the photographer should try to control the background so that it doesn’t dominate the picture. The distracting elements should be avoided from the frame.

Some people don’t look good in a pose. In such cases, the photographer should try to photograph the subject when they are at work, with family or doing something that they love. This will put them at ease and while they are reacting naturally to the situation that they are in, some great shots can be taken. Melbourne Portrait Photographer use this approach while photographing children.

A really successful portrait pays off for both the participants, the photographer and the subject. It satisfies the photographer and makes the subject feel good. Satisfaction of both the sides is the essence of the Melbourne portrait Photography.